
Inside my mind

It may sound funny, but I am a donkey. An innocent village donkey, working day and night for my master. Honestly, I really think this world is weird. We, donkeys, work so hard, and yet when a human boy does something stupid, they others call him a donkey. Isn’t that an insult to our tireless work? Why should we work for humans, if the only thing we get in return is being called ‘stupid’ and useless?

How am I writing this, being a donkey? See, the thing is, all this is just in my mind, and then you are inside a donkey’s mind. Why is this entire thing funny? Is it because I am a donkey, a so called stupid animal? There you go. Insulting me again. See, I will not stand this discrimination of animals! I know you humans are already tangled in a lot of stuff, problems you yourselves have created, but why not add another small problem into your mess? Animal discrimination, trending on, whats-that-thing-again?, Oh yes, twitter.

Whenever you humans are asked to write an essay on animals, you write stuff like why the particular animal is useful for them, and how they live, eat, what they eat, and other such things. But, this isn’t an essay written by a random student in an exam, its the animal’s mind, and I already know what I do, and how I live. So, why describe stupid matters like that? I’ll tell you my thoughts, my worries, my problems, if you are willing to listen, but not what I do for my master. Because I am not defined by who my master is, I am defined by who I am. So, if you are interested in reading the thoughts of a donkey, you may continue reading.

From when I was a little donkey, I’ve grown up seeing and observing the weird world of humans. And honestly, its complicated. You can never understand what one human is thinking, because it says something else. They create such a lot of problems, and they get themselves and the others tangled in them. And then? They complain. They whine and cry and shout and scream, and yell and screech, and end up creating even more problems! Why can’t they just calmly sort their problems out? No, there must be a shouting match, whenever there are problems.

Why are these humans always running after, this thing called, I dunno, ‘muhni’? It gives me great joy to see the great, coat-clad officers running around to get back their money, as it would be a great loss if they don’t. Why can’t they just enjoy life a bit? Why can’t they just sit and watch the flowers and the rain? I doubt if they have ever seen dewdrops on the leaves, or the pearl-like raindrops on the grasses. All they want is loads and loads of money to just sit and rot in a large mansion. I mean, I guess money is useful, and is really needed, but is it more important than living a life happily? I dunno.

I am so happy I am not a human. I don’t want to waste time running all over the universe. I do work, get yummy foods and just watch others. I guess it is really lucky to be a donkey then. I can see you are no longer finding this funny, but if you still are, good job! You are gonna survive in this world! But, many humans are good, and kindhearted too! They care for others, and solve others’ problems. Like my master, who cares for me.

I do not know what else to say. I wish I had made a list of what to discuss with you humans, but I, being a donkey, did not do so. What will you do now? I guess you’ll go back to complete the never-ending work that you have. Don’t look at the sky, don’t care if it is a lovely sunlit day, just think and live in your ‘work’. Even if you don’t have, you’ll probably sit and have your eyes inside your ‘fone’, or whatever you call them! Spend your precious hours scrolling through your feed, as the time has long gone when I used to see people sitting on the grass with their friends or family and talking, for hours and hours. I myself remember, when I was small. my master’s little girl used to come out everyday, and feed me, and then lie on the grass, and just stay there. I am becoming a bit boring now, telling you stupid old stories. I’ll stop here anyway, I don”t want to take up your valuable ‘phone’ time.

You should be so proud to have mind-read an animal! Not any animal, a donkey! Heh! I’ll come back later, to irritate you again, but now I have to go sleep. Goodbye humans, farewell from this lame donkey.
